The need for political awareness is getting more evident as our life is getting ever tangled with current events. While the correlation of daily life and world news never sync in the past, the current times have vouched to us repeatedly. Therefore the time is calling for a well versed person in news and politics for the well being of the person.
Politics have been a business where the majority of public never got their hands dirtied. The elections never materialized their preach and the policies either purposely or not have been shifted to reverse for the commoners. The purpose of these articles are to get a greater understanding while sailing these muddy waters. The aim should be to observe the events, compile the output into an actionable action. The world was simple and the mind was naive 80 years ago where the world was split into two. Ideologies were distinct, markets were fundamentally different and so was the way of life. Since 1990s the world is driving to be come a multipolar world. The world today has enabled every major country to leave a tint in our live. We are information overloaded with every countries foreign and domestic policy.
The actions of others such as the market crash of 2008 or the handling of pandemic can have ever lasting effect on our life therefore purpose should be to analysis the information and make an informed decision in our life.